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Ancient Paganism: The Sorcery of the Fallen Angelsby
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Ancient Paganism Quotes Showing 1-12 of 12
“God/Christ consciousness, and universalism. We will categorize these as “emergent mystics.” Emergent mystics are teaching: There is a Christ consciousness The Emergent Church can redefine and reshape Christianity in their own image Biblical prophecy is not important Mankind is divine (doctrine of emanations) Occultic mediation renamed “contemplative prayer” People of all faiths can be saved without Jesus Christ”
“The way of the cross, the way of Lao Tzu, the way of the Buddha, the way of Islam and the way of Judaism all speak of the same path… All refer to the same transformation of self.” Marcus Borg, The Heart of Christianity, p. 216 This is what the Bible prophesies predict would be the state of the end time Apostate Church. But, then again. the Emergent Movement reinterprets prophecy, too. Emergent Prophecy End time prophecy is reinterpreted to be symbolic of who we overcome, by creating this one-world religion in which you can be saved without Jesus. “In the twinkling of an eye, we are all”
“He wanted to be worshiped as God and actually tried to take God’s throne. How could any rational being think for one second that he might have power enough to force the only creator God out of His throne? No rational being would. Nor would Lucifer; unless, he believed his own lie. What was Lucifer’s lie? Lucifer’s lie was this: God is not separate from His creation. When God puts His spirit into a newly created being, He looses part of Himself. In the Jewish Kabala this concept is called the Doctrine of Emanations. In other words, if God created 100 billion people and put His spirit into each one of them, at that point the Bible would say God is still 100% God and Man is 0% God. Lucifer, on the other hand, would say at that point God might be, say, 47% God and all humans collectively would equate to 53% God.”
“The Ancient Church Fathers, including disciples of the twelve apostles, were firmly premillennial, pretribulational, and very pro-Israel.”
“Emergent Church We have seen mysticism creep into the church from the pagans and Gnostic cults. We have documented that the ancient church was vehemently against the ideas of meditation, Christ consciousness, and man being divine. The ancient church fathers also prophesied that at the end of the church age many in the church would apostatize and adopt these false teachings. We have traced the false doctrines that man is divine and the pantheistic idea that God is in everything, from the birth of the Mystics (Christian occultists) under Saint Anthony, c270 AD, up to Catholic Thomas Merton, c1968 AD. Today we have a movement called the “Emergent Church” which is adopting these ideas of mediation, contemplative prayer,”
“Emergent Religion Emergents say religion is what we make of it. If it is not working, we must reinvent it. To work successfully, it must be a global one-world religion. “I foresee a resonance, ‘a rebirth based on a spiritual initiative …This new birth will cut through all cultures and religions and indeed will draw forth the wisdom common to all vital mystical traditions in a global religious awakening I call ‘deep Ecumenism,’” Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, p. 5 “In the emerging culture darkness represents spirituality. We see this in Buddhist temples, as well as Catholic and Orthodox churches. Darkness communicates that something serious is happening.”
“changed by this experience. It is a mass metanoia, a shared spiritual experience for the human race, a peaceful second coming of the divine in all of us as us.” Barbra Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 174 “You are to prepare the way for the alternative to Armageddon, which is the Planetary Pentecost, the great Instant of Co-operation which can transform enough, en masse, to avoid the necessity of the seventh seal being broken.” Barbra Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 172 Emergent Jesus Emergent proponents tell us we must forget about Jesus dying on the cross – it is too divisive. No one needs to believe in Jesus to be saved. “All human beings can walk though that”
“[god’s] door, whether they know Jesus or not.” Henri Nouwen, Sabbatical Journey, p. 149 “The church’s fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in the Christian faith.” Alan Jones, Reimagining Christianity, p. 132 “I don’t believe that what we can know of Jesus is confined by the New Testament… There is no such thing as ‘what really happened.’” Allen Jones, Reimagining Christianity, p. 209 What God has decided and prophesied will be and no amount of imagining will change that! To make the statement that all we have to do is re-imagine Christianity and reshape it into what we want it to be, is rebellion toward God. It is placing ourselves in God’s place, which is”
“differently? Why did God lie to us when the Bible was written? How can we believe anything this new god says? “For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.” 2 Corinthians 11:4 NIV Emergent Christ Consciousness In the Emergent Church, we see the idea that God is in everyone and everything. “It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race… If only they could see themselves as they really are… I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other… At the”
“center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and illusions, a point of pure truth… this little point… is the pure glory of God in us. It is in everybody.” Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, pp. 157-158 Emergent Contemplative Prayer In Contemplative Prayer we see meditation replacing biblical prayer. As we learned in the chapter about the ancient Canaanites and Balaam, God considers this type of “meditation,” sorcery. “Contemplative prayer is not so much the absence of thoughts as a detachment from them.” Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart, ch. 1 “Choose a biblical text with rich content for contemplation… Once you have”

Ancient Paganism The Sorcery Of The Fallen Angels Pdf Online

“Dangers of Meditation In the chapter on Prayer vs. Meditation, I told you of my experiences with the Eckankar Mystics, and how everyone there knew of the dangers of meditation. It has been reported that those who practice Contemplative Prayer often experience the same serious problems as the Hindus when practicing the serpent meditation commonly referred to as Kundalini Meditation. Emergent Church speaker, Richard Foster, warns other emergents of the same dangers inherent with contemplative prayer in his book. “I want to give you a word of precaution. In the silent contemplation of God we are entering deeply into the spiritual realm… sometimes it is not the realm of God [emphasis mine] even though it is supernatural… there are various orders of spiritual beings, and some of them are definitely not in cooperation with God and His way! …A prayer of protection should be said beforehand, something to the effect of ‘all dark and evil spirits must now leave’” Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home, p. 157”
“Contemplative prayer is not for the novice. I do not say this about any other form of prayer… Contemplation is different. While we are all equally precious in the eyes of God, we are not equally ready to listen to ‘God’s speech in his …all embracing silence.’” Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 156 Why would a Christian put himself or herself in a position of demonic attack when they could simply pray the way Jesus commands and not have to worry about it? Prayer Stations with Icons Ancient church father Hypolytus wrote about what became of the seventy disciples that Jesus sent out two by two. He wrote that Demas forsook the faith and became a priest of idols. My guess is that he became a priest of the”

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Ancient Paganism The Sorcery Of The Fallen Angels Pdf Pdf

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